
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Parental Code of Conduct

Oasis Community Learning (OCL) is totally committed to developing the character and competence of every student and believes that all students should receive an exceptional education. This approach is underpinned by the Oasis ethos and 9 habits and expressed through the Education Charter.

We have a responsibility to ensure that we treat people with respect, openness and care. This desire is borne out of two of our five ethos values – our commitment to treat people equally, respecting differences and our commitment to healthy and open relationships. We are keen to work with parents and carers to develop a culture where everyone is approachable and we expect staff, parents and carers to all play their part.   

To create and maintain healthy, open relationships and to ensure we remain committed to treating people equally, we seek to intentionally focus on being patient, honest, humble and forgiving. We believe students learn best in a safe and supportive environment based on respect and trust and underpinned by an effective partnership between parents, staff and the Academy community. 

High standards of behaviour are required of students. Staff are expected to act professionally at all times. The positive support of parents and carers is needed and highly valued by OCL. We expect parents and staff to model the behaviour we wish to see in our students.

This Code of Conduct provides a reminder to all parents, carers and visitors to our Academies about the conduct that is expected of them. It sets out both what they should aim to do, and how any inappropriate conduct will be addressed. So we are all working in a spirit of partnershipallowing relationships to flourish, progress and achieve in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.

This code complements the Trust’s ‘Complaints Policy’ which is designed to handle parental concerns or complaints in a sensitive and mutually supportive manner (see link to OCL Complaints Policy). It also sits alongside the Trust’s E-Safety policy, which sets out guidelines for appropriate use of social media and other online forums relating to the Academy.

 Find out more by clicking here.