
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

How to Apply

We are delighted that you are considering applying for a place in the Oasis Oldham family. 

We are not only one of the most improved schools in the North West but, based on the results since 2015, we can also stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the most improved schools in the country. Whilst we know we are on a journey to exceptional, we are delighted with the progress we have made and some of the feedback from our parents and Ofsted. 

Pupils appreciate the support that they receive to prepare them for the next stage of their education.


Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an honest, respectful, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

We will raise aspirations, expectations and achievement for all students and make a major contribution to the development of educational excellence through supportive and collegial collaboration.

We strive for excellence in all, regardless of age, ability, gender, ethnic origin, personal circumstances, background or need.

Applying to study with us

Oasis Academy Oldham accepts students irrespective of faith or ability.  Those with disabilities or special educational needs are also welcome.

All places at the Academy are free and available to the local community within an admissions policy that mirrors the admissions arrangements for schools in the Oldham Borough. Our Academy offers ten forms of entry (11FE) and has spaces for 1,500 students aged 11-16.

If you are a parent/carer of a student currently in Year 6 and wish to apply for a place at the Academy in Year 7 for September 2025, you will need to complete the Common Application Form and return it to the School Admissions Team, Level 6, The Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1XJ, or apply online by clicking here. The deadline to apply for a school place for Year 7 2025 is October 31st 2024 at 5.00pm.

If you require large fontsize documents, please do not hesitate to contact us in order to have them sent to you.

For further advice click on the link below

We look forward to welcoming you into our family!

Admissions Arrangements

Oasis Community Learning invited you to take part in a consultation on the Admissions Arrangements at Oasis Academy Oldham. It is a statutory requirement that the Admissions Arrangements of every academy must  be reviewed every 7 years. The proposal is that there will be no change to the academy’s PAN. 

Oasis Academy Oldham is located on  Hollins Road. The academy’s current Published Admissions Number (PAN) is 300. 

A hard copy of the Admissions Arrangements can be obtained by the school office or if you would like an electronic copy please email 

Oasis is committed to serving the local children and local community and will follow the Local Authority’s admissions policy, accepting pupils regardless of faith or ability.

Consultation took place between Thursday 15th December 2022 and Tuesday 31st January 2023 on the proposed admission arrangements for 2023 to 2024. Consultation included communicating with all stakeholders of Oasis Academy Oldham. There were no objections received following consultation and the proposed 5 arrangements for 2023 have now been formally determined by the Oasis Community Learning Board.

View our Admissions Statement 2023- 2024

Apply for a place with us today

In Year Admissions Procedures

Read the Academy Prospectus 

Admission Arrangements for 2024/25

Want to come and pay us a visit?

We always welcome visitors at our Academy. We will be updating this page throughout the year with details of our formal open evening events. 

However we are able to cater for parents and carers who are unable to visit on these days by special request. Get in touch with the school office today and we'll be pleased to arrange a date with you.

Please feel free to also get in touch with any admissions questions!

T: 0161 624 9630