
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Careers Guidance

Our Careers programme concentrates on ensuring our students are given the best possible guidance on careers and next steps to ensure that they are well equipped for life after school. We are focused on the NEET students rather than the NEET figure -  Gabriela Lissemore Sanchez, Careers Leaders for Oasis Academy Oldham.


We are pleased to announce that our NEET figures for 2022-23  is 2.4which is a tiny increase of 0.4% on the previous year (2021-2022) which happened to be our lowest ever reported figure.



Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life

Choosing a direction in life can be one of the most challenging and confusing things we can do at any age! However there is a pressure placed upon young people, throughout their Secondary education, to have an idea of where they want to go with their future based on the subject choices they make. We want to relieve some of that pressure on our students by helping them to feel empowered and informed about their options for the future. 

From Year 7 through to Year 11 students careers guidance and support through their pastoral curriculum sessions. An overview of these can be seen below.


Half Term 1

Half Term 2

Half Term 3

Half Term 4

Half Term 5

Half Term 6



Introduction To Careers

Careers In The UK Film Industry

Career Spotlights

Chef, Primary School, Secondary School, Hairstylist, Beautician, Cabin Crew, Architect, Electrician, Construction, Builder, Doctor, Engineering, Police, Psychiatrist, Social Work, Dentist, Actor, Lawyer, Business Management, Sports Coaching, Accounting, Streaming, Professional Sports

From Year 8, all students will complete one lesson in Xello per half term.



Introduction To Xello

Finance (Provided by MoneySense)


Making The Most Of Your Money

Security & Fraud

Keeping Finances Secure

Payslips & Deductions

Staying In Control

Consumer Rights


Money & Mental Well-Being




GCSE Options Support

Post 16 Options

Employability Skills

Self Confidence




Health & Social Care



Film Studies

Computer Science

Cambridge National

Travel & Tourism




Sixth Form Colleges

FE Colleges





Personality Styles


Post-16 Options

Post 18 Options

Growth Mindset & Interpersonal Skills

E-Mails & CV Writing

Oldham, OSFC, Tameside & Clarendon

TMC, ASFC & Other Sixth Forms

Local Options

Further Afield & Studying Abroad




Application Support


What Happens Next?

Students to complete first application by the end of Half Term 1

Students to complete three applications by the start of December

OAO Alumni

Preparing For Results Day


In addition to the pastoral curriculum sessions, students may be selected to participate in career specific trips, skills workshops, speed career networking events, visits to universities, visits to local FE providers, and post-16 options workshops.

As an Academy with a foresight on our students’ journey Post-GCSE, we are determined to adapt our provision, where necessary, to reflect student aspirations and the ever increasing demand for digital skills.

The impact of the careers provision is reviewed in October of each academic year through a thorough exercise of Student & Teacher voice activities where we enable those delivering and undertaking careers sessions to evaluate and share their thoughts on the provision.

All of our students are offered a broad and rich careers education experience. In addition to the details shown below, we have a series of targeted support strategies for students with special education needs, looked after children, our more able pupils, or those who are considered to be at risk of not engaging with further education. For more information about the core offer or targeted support, please contact Mr A Farrand.

Find out more about our careers offer by reading our Careers Guidance Policy

Want to know which activities happen in each year? Find out more by reading our breakdown by year group (subject to change).

Click here to view our Statement of a Provider Access