Up and Coming Important Dates for Your Diaries
Monday 6th May | Academy Closed for May Day |
Tuesday 7th May | Academy Re-opens for all |
Tuesday 7th May - 20th June | Year 11 GCSE Exams commence |
OSFC Interviews | |
Year 10 University Visit | |
Thursday 9th May | Year 10 Parents Evening, 3.00 - 6.15 |
Tuesday 21st May | Year 10 University Visit |
Thursday 23rd May | Year 9 Parents & Options Evening, 3.00 - 6.15pm |
Thursday 23rd - 26th May | Barcelona Trip |
Friday 24th May | Last Day of Term |
Monday 27th - 31st May | Academy closed for Summer Half Term |
Monday 3rd June | Academy Re-opens for all |
Friday 7th June | Future Days - Year 7 |
Monday 17th - 21st June | National Sports Week |
Tuesday 18th June | Year 10 Humanities Trip to Edale |
Wednesday 19th June | Year 10 Humanities Trip to Edale |
Wednesday 26th June | Year 10 Photography trip to Manchester |
Thursday 27th June | Year 8 Parents Evening, 2.45 - 6.15pm |
Monday 1st July | OSFC Taster Day - Year 10 |
Tuesday 2nd July | Oldham College Taster Day - Year 10 |
Thursday 4th July | Transition Day followed by Parents Evening |
Catch up Immunisations | |
Friday 5th July | Catch up Immunisations |
Thursday 11th July | Year 7 Parents Evening, 3.00-6.15pm |
Friday 19th July | Last Day of Term for students |
Monday 22nd July | Staff Inset Day |
Tuesday 23rd July | Staff Inset Day |
Wednesday 24th July - 30th September | Summer Holidays |
Thursday 22nd August | GCSE Results Day, 10.00 - 12.00noon |
Monday 2nd September | Staff Inset Day, Academy closed for students |
Tuesday 3rd September | Academy Re-opens for all |