
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Amazing Trip for some of our Year 10 Students

Amazing Trip for some of our Year 10 Students

A group of our Year 10's had a tour of the Parklife set as part of GMAC's Workplace Safari offer and got the chance to see the jobs and careers involved in the setting up &running of Parklife Fest.

They had the pleasure to meet Sacha Lord, Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester, Chair of the Night Time Industries Association and Chair of Wythenshawe F.C, Co-Founder of The Warehouse Project and Co-Founder of Parklife and got to see first-hand all the different job roles available in the areas of hospitality and leisure whilst building their wider understanding of the world of work. We heard from those with responsibility over site construction, bartending, promotion/marketing, health & safety and artist liaison. 

Our students all had an inspiring day and it gave them food for thought about their career choices.